API Documentation
API Reference
Checks the status of a node based on the last crawl<br>
result see /api/check_historical_node
- node: connection string, e.g. btc: - port is optional if it is the network default
Returns: json dict {"result":{"user_agent":"/satoshi:17.0.1/", "version":" .... }}
Checks the current status of a node. This is a live result, so response times will be longer - to view a saved<br>
result see /api/check_historic_node.
- node: connection string, e.g. btc: - port is optional if it is the network default
- to_services (integer, optional): outgoing services to broadcast, default=0
- from_services (integer, optional): outgoing services to broadcast, default=0
- version (integer, optional): version code to broadcast, default varies by network
- user_agent (string, optional): user agent to broadcast, default="/open-nodes:0.1/"
- height (integer, optional): block height to broadcast during handshake. default=network median
- p2p_nodes (bool, optional): issues a getaddr call and list of connected nodes, default=False
Returns: json dict {"result":{"user_agent":"/satoshi:17.0.1/", "version":" .... }, "nodes":[[", 157532132191], ...]}
Returns a list of all active dash masternodes - requires running dashd service on target server
Returns: json array ["", "", ...]
Returns a list of all available network names
Returns: JSON string, ex. "['bitcoin','bitcoin-cash','dash','litecoin']"
Gets a list of all nodes visible during the past 30 days
- network (optional): Filters the result set based on the given network
Returns: json array [{"address":"" ... }, {"address":"", "port:8333}]
Returns a crawl result as a gzipped response
- filename: file_network.ext - file is 'data' or 'history', ext is either .json, .csv, .txt (data.ext returns data for all crawled networks)
Returns: gzip encoded html response
Returns the data associated with a node, and all crawler visitations on record
- node: connection string, e.g. btc: - port is optional if it is the network default.
Returns: json dict {"node":{"user_agent":"/Satoshi/", "last_seen": ... }, "history":{"timestamp":157032190321,"height":56000, "success":1 ...}}